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Cover Feature: Rosa Royo

Written By Anailis Diaz

Studies have shown employee wellness had a hand in reduced levels of burnout, better social wellbeing, higher levels of belonging, and an increased feeling of thriving. To take care of her employees, Royo has launched many programs during her time with MDCPS. She wanted to make a difference. As the director for one of the largest school boards in the United States, Rosa has made her programs fun and unique. Rosa focused on changing the Workers’ Compensation industry.

Once an afterthought, workplace wellness and employee wellbeing have shot to the top of organizational priority lists.

In the wake of COVID-19, The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, and the various other factors contributing to high employee stress levels and disengagement for employees, companies are finding that wellness programs have far-reaching benefits. Meet Rosa Royo, a true superior within the Workers’ Compensation Industry and a leader in setting the standard of what a wellness program should look like.

The Director of Workers Compensation for Miami Dade County Public Schools, currently manages a $30 million program and has reduced lost time days from an average of 77,000 to approximately 25,000 lost time days per year.

Deciding to focus on Workers’ Compensation was a decision that I wanted to be able to change this industry. I wanted to have an impact. I did not view this industry as a ‘nice’ industry. The moment someone has an accident, I realized you can go from employee of the week, to a week later not getting the necessary treatment. I believe that when someone gets hurt, and it's a compensable accident, then we owe them the highest value of care that I can provide. I need to take care of them so they can come back to work.”

In 2007, she launched a program called, The Rebuilding Me Program. The Rebuilding Me team has engaged the Transportation employees in fitness classes, nutritional education, and ergonomic awareness activities. Since its inception, Workers’ Compensation claims for Transportation employees have been reduced by 61%, resulting in a savings of approximately $2.7 million dollars.

“I was trying to provide health and wellness information to our workers, particularly in areas where we had concentrations of accidents. So I thought, if we got this information to people, that they would make changes in their lives and that would allow us to prevent accidents and/or shorten the duration of an accident that did occur,” says Royo.

he began her programs doing one-on-ones. “We started talking about their health and getting them on track. We have people that have 2-5 jobs and raising their grandkids, these programs gave them an opportunity to take care of themselves.”

In 2016, she relaunched her program. She began providing trainers to School Board personnel. Whether they were Zumba or Bootcamp classes, her team would send out the athletic trainers to the work sites to work with employees. She wanted to get the people moving resulting in a better and healthier lifestyle.

As of today, the program continues to change. “The program evolves. We’ve had to adapted because of COVID and Post-COVID. One of the things that I am most thrilled about is our Adult Swim Program,” says Royo.

Rosa has always had a passion for serving, making her the outstanding leader she is today.

“I have a passion for service. I have a passion for helping people and that is one of the things that guides me personally. This is an opportunity to help people get through something that has happen to them.”

She has spent many years tirelessly working to improve the health and wellbeing of her colleagues. Her passion and dedication to this cause have earned her widespread admiration and respect.

For this reason, Bloom recognized Royo in March of 2023. The commitment to these programs led to the creation of the prestigious Rosa Royo Legacy Award. When asked about the award, Rosa says, “I was really surprised and very honored. This is something that I am very proud of. So many people have helped make this idea become a reality. I am grateful. I am thrilled and humbled.”

The Rosa Royo Legacy Award is a testament to Rosa's unwavering commitment to employee wellness. Her hard work, vision, and dedication have made a lasting impact on the industry and on the lives of those she has helped. As Bloom congratulates Rosa on this incredible achievement, our team expresses our deep gratitude for her exceptional leadership and commitment to employee wellness.

Here at Bloom, our team looks forward to awarding the Rosa Royo Legacy Award to other risk managers who share her vision and dedication to excellence.

Let us raise a glass or your favorite tumbler to Rosa Royo, an outstanding leader, and a true legend in the world of employee wellness!


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